Wednesday, September 10, 2008

These boots are made for walkin'.

Jack's latest appreciation is his bright red boots.  I'm sure I picked them up from Goodwill during one of my many bargain hunting moments.  He absolutely loves them, and lately, won't walk out the door without first putting them on.  They are too big, and if you pick him up, they fall right off.  He doesn't mind and frankly neither do I.  Who knows maybe someday he'll be a fireman.

Happy Wednesday.



Daddy said...

Oh Jack, is that your hair or a halo?

Miss you guys. See you tomorrow. I hate being away from you.

Momma, no cut Jack's hair. He is Sampson and will lose his magical powers.


Shannon and Elli said...

I agree with Daddy! NO CUT JACK"S HAIR!!! Love you guys and can't wait to see you!!!!!!!!