lauren did great!
surgery went great!
the hospital was amazing.
they went far beyond anything I expected.
she was thrilled that they told her she could decorate her bed (race car) with crayons. she went right to it. rainbows. hearts. a little girl with purple hair. the sun. birds and the #7. Race car #7.
they got "bessy" all set for her "operation" too. lauren was so happy that they let her take "bessy" in to the OR.
they gave her some "silly juice" which made her a little loopy. she says to me, "mommy, I don't think this stuff is working." Meanwhile the nurses and I could plainly see it was working.
1 hour in surgery.
2 hours in recovery eating teddy grahams, apple juice and graham crackers (she woke up very hungry).
home by noon.
happily eating a popsicle and watching Homeward Bound.
thank you everyone for your love and prayers.
we memorized Joshua 1:9 on the way to the hospital this morning. a great verse for all of life's ups and downs. Thanks again Elli!
Happy Thursday!
What a brave sweet girl! We will call you today! Just read the blog!!! We love you!
The Hayes'
Hey Alicia, I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with the blog. I just saw today that Lauren had surgery. I'm glad all went well. Love and kisses and Merry Christmas to you all!!!
Oh my gosh you guys! That sounds like you had quite a scare. I'm so sorry that Lauren had to go through all of that. Sounds like she was a trooper for sure. Kids can really surprise us with their bravery can't they? Our little guy had some tubes put in his ears two weeks ago and even that was scary. You guys are great parents and such wonderful people. Give Lauren hugs from all of us.
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