Friday, April 10, 2009


according to the other Jack Johnson three is the magic number.  
and I would have to agree.
i love this boy.
today he is three.
it is impossible to restrict my list of what i love about him to 3 things but in order to keep this short and get back to the birthday boy i will....

1. i simply love his enthusiasm for life.
2. he makes me laugh.  he got the funny gene.
3. he loves to be hugged and kissed, cuddled and tickled, but he also loves to play lion and trains, and cars and be loud.

happy birthday to my sweet boy!

happy weekend!


Gem said...

Happy Birthday Jack!!

Shannon and Elli said...

Happy , Happy birthday jack ! can`t wait to see you guys ! ,
Elli :-)

Shannon and Elli said...

I know that was very hard for you to keep it to 3!

Hapy Birthday Jack!
love you buddy!!!

Miss Shannon