Tuesday, December 9, 2008

day 8.

our manger scene. i put it together. jack takes it apart.
jack's angel that he made. great hair.
joy to the Lord.
karen's surprise. a trip to the Billy Graham Library.
they have all kinds of fun Christmas events going on now.
we arrived a little late and couldn't do much. 
but decided we would come back.
still had fun together. 
the camel was a hoot (this picture is the only one i got of
her sitting up, the rest of the time she was laying down).
we think she ate something that didn't agree with her.
jack loved "bessy" the cow.
the girls enjoyed some hot apple cider.
can't wait to go back and get the whole story.
an amazing man.

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

Jed & Mary Neilson said...


This is Mary~I used to work with Karen at State Farm in Utah. Karen gave me your link and I have been following your blog. It is so fun to see how your little family has grown. I remember the day Megan was born. I know that Karen cherishes your little family and you have truly been a blessing and comfort for her. I'm glad to see you got her a tree! Have a Merry Christmas and God Bless You.
