Thursday, May 21, 2009

day 3. and 1/2.

okay. the school room just about wiped me out for the rest of this spring cleaning thing. i forgot for a short period of time the fact that i'm running a school, an art studio, and a book store. i started around 9:30. lauren helped me clear out the whole room. as i was taking things out i kept thinking, "this is going to take a while" [no kidding]. lauren was such a trooper, she lifted and carried things, stacked them up. such a helper. all the while megan's making snacks, and lunch, and doing dishes [all of this without being asked]. i told her i really could cry [if i had the energy] with all the help i was getting. thank goodness jack just likes to be in the mix and do whatever.

normally, seeing all this chaos in my home [pictures later today], i would be an absolute mess, but i really did enjoy it for the first half of the day. by about jack's "quiet time" i was wishing that i was 3 again for some "quiet time" of my own. i could have gone to bed at 2:00 no problem. but the boxes and baskets, and papers, and stuff were calling my name. back at it.

had planned on making taco soup for dinner. nope. leftovers.

just typing this i realize how much God has changed me. not so uptight. not so in need of perfection. trying to enjoy the process a little more. after all "the process" is 95%. i mean i'm not going to get to enjoy some perfectly manicured school room for very long. i live in it. my children live in it. life happens in that room and so i better just enjoy the cleaning time and then make a mental note of what it looks like.

finished up what i could at about 9:00pm last night. a far cry from what i experienced in the living room on day 2. 12 hours. in this whole thing i have really enjoyed looking at stuff from a completely different perspective. realizing how attached you can become to things of this world. if i didn't need it or love was gone. felt good.

i'm so thankful for all of you that are commenting on my progress. it makes me giggle and smile. i love all of you very much and i feel you out there praying for me. i am praying for all of you.

today is the kitchen. i am laughing as i type this. the kitchen? are you serious? i will attempt. with no expectations.

happy thursday!


Shannon and Elli said...

The kitchen would scare me too! But I know how you will feel after it s complete!!! Tell the troops I am so proud of them for helping Mama this week with out even being asked! What a true blessing! Things are very different at the Hayes house than at the Johnson's house right now but one thing we can be sure is the same...LOVE!!! God's love and grace continues to pour out in each circumstance!!! Love you and I will be praying that God sustains you throughout your "journey" today!!! Shannon

Gem said...

Hey Alicia!
Good Luck on the kitchen! You can do it!