Monday, October 26, 2009

things i've heard lately.

lauren: do you think i'm sophisticated?

jack reciting humpty dumpty [must have heard it on sesame street]
lauren: say it like gordon [gordon must have been the one reciting humpty dumpty on sesame street].
jack: i can't, i don't have a mustache. [gordon on sesame street has a mustache]

driving home from a movie
Jack: mommy, there's no place like home, there's no place like home.
he has never seen the Wizard of Oz.
had to check and make sure he wasn't clicking his heels together.

happy monday.


Gem said...

Your kids are so cute.

Shannon and Elli said...

precious moments!!!

Shannon and Elli said...

hoping you had a great trip! can't wait to hear about it. Just so you know I am having surgery friday on an umbilical hernia...I'll be down for a bit...great time for calling! Love

Catherine said...

Hi Sweetie,

Finally catching up on your blogs after toooo much rehearsing for Annie. My spirit takes on a new calm when I get to see all the fun stuff you guys are doing and the true joy that goes along with it. Love, Mom