Monday, September 6, 2010


love you hayes family.
love you johnsen family.
love you mom.
had so so so much fun with you.
glad that the sickies didn't last too long.
to the beach.
in the water.
in the sand.
to the zoo.
on the train.
to the avenues.
out for dinner.
loved not having much of a plan for the week.
just allowing things to sort of happen.

lis, here's the picture.
i knew i had it in my stash somewhere.
not sure if this is the same deer
the same
this sweet deer gave us lots and lots of kisses.
and notice there are quite a few more kids.
we've doubled our kid count!

happy monday.


Johnsen Crew said...

Oh my goodness. I can't believe u found that picture!! Well, actually I can, cuz you're amazing....but THANK YOU so much for sharing!! We love u guys so much thanks for sharing your special week with us. :x

Gem said...

I am glad you enjoyed your time in Florida. I loved all the pictures.

Catherine said...

Spent a good part of the morning looking at the pictures and writings. Enjoyed every minute of it. Can't wait for the next installment. Love you.