Monday, March 30, 2009

just do something.

edited:  We met our $500 goal in 3 days!  Thank you so much to everyone who made it possible.  It was so much fun watching our donations go up and up everyday.  This really has been such a blessing to witness and we are truly thankful to each and every one of you that donated.  And even though it is so exciting to reach our goal we can still accept donations. Realizing that it might be hard for some to give, but I am talking $5 maybe $10.  Any amount is precious and important to this foundation.  Please just click on our link at the bottom of this post and donate what you can.  Lots of Love, The Elli's Angels Team (Jeff, Alicia, Megan, Lauren and Jack).

for a long time now....maybe too long, i have struggled with

the answer.
the answer is just do something. anything.

we have 2 people we know and love dealing day in and day out with diabetes.

we really have wanted to do something about it, but again we feel like we are just one, okay 5.

yesterday megan and i got home from church and knew we were going to start a team to walk at the JDRF walk on april 18 at Carrowinds.

i asked megan to write the letter to family and friends.  this is the letter. 

we are pumped. we are charged.
ready to do something.

please join us if you can on the 18th.  we would love to have company.
and if you can't.
please consider donating to our walk.
all you have to do is click here Elli's Angels and it will take you right to our walk page.  it is safe and secure to donate on their website.

have a blessed monday!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

conversations with jack.

mommy: how was your class at the gym? 
jack: it was good, i hit a kid.
mommy: oh really? why'd you do that?
jack: 'cause she was inspecting (disrespecting) me.

this is the same boy who just uttered this prayer all by himself:

Dear God,
I am sorry for whining at my mommy.  Please forgive me.
In Jesus name,

happy thursday!

*i'm pretty sure no little girls were really hit in this incident.  we know the ladies that watch him at the gym really well and they would have told us had anyone been the brunt of his feeling disrespected.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

4 thousand 200 and 20 days.

this is how many days we have had a crib in our home.
we are now cribless.
sad, but true.
how quickly THEY DO grow up.
sometimes we lose sight of that.
but we blink.
we breathe.
we live.
and they are all grown up.
i am reminded of a time not so long ago (okay, maybe 6 years) that megan finally got the hang of riding her bike.  i remember her pedaling down the road away from me. unstoppable.  just going.  i cried.
same thing when i realized "no more bottles" and "no more diapers" (well, i was happy about that). 
but i imagine it will be the same about sippy cups, and high chairs, etc... 
tonight our sweet little man is in his big boy bed that he helped put together.
sweet dreams baby...i mean big boy!

have a blessed sunday!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

the latest.

the snow came.
the snow has gone.
we enjoyed it while it was here.

the Hayes were coming.
and now they are not.
we are sad.
but understand that things just don't go as planned sometimes.
we are looking forward to that visit as soon as possible.
interesting that this past sunday someone at our church said, "when something bad happens (Hayes not coming), try to find the good in it (had a hard time with this one, but realizing it just wasn't the right time for them and the weather is going to be crummy for skiing, knowing God will reveal the good very soon).
we love you Hayes.

we finally got "the shot".
that is Hungry Jack enjoying Hungry Jack on his waffles.

the girls have been saving and saving for months.
for what?
a tree house.
well, the day had come this past Friday.
they saved $77.76 (we gave them a penny just to make it $77.77).
they picked out the wood at Lowe's with daddy.
placed their can up on the counter and paid for the wood all by themselves.
man was this a lesson in patience for them.
working together.
on one common goal.
they did it!
jeff got going.
he is enjoying the process as much as them.

jack kept himself busy during the construction with "weef (leaf) fishing" from our pond.
literally he did this for a long time.
and every "weef" was recognized with a proud, "i caught a weef!"
great job sweet boy!

the kids and i have been doing a unit study on the iditarod.
if you do not know about this most amazingly historic race you can check it out here:
we have learned so much and have really enjoyed following our mushers as they run the race with their dogs.
today we made igloos.
we had a good laugh.
megan says, "mommy it's the castle (Lauren's) and the slave quarters (Megan's)." 
so thankful that she was able to laugh at herself.

happy wednesday!

Monday, March 2, 2009

snow day!

today was a great beginning to our Iditarod unit study.
had so much fun in the snow.
and macs.
we created 3 pretty good sled tracks in the front yard.
the girls even went to the park down the road with a neighbor friend searching out the big hills.
they found nothing but mud.
made for some fun laundry.

happy monday!